I am so over Hillary Clinton. Seriously. SO over her. Why? Just a few reasons:
1. Her promise to "totally obliterate" Iran in the case of an airstrike against Israel. Just what we need - more belligerent rhetoric about our policy in the Middle East! The unfoundedness of this statement is well-explained here in The New York Observer.
2. The undeserved claim that she represents "progress" for women in politics. Feminist progress in politics, to me, means the election of female politicians who promote values traditionally deemed "feminine." These values include compassion, understanding, greater attention to social welfare, and the use of comprehensive diplomacy in lieu of military force. That's not to say the are inherently feminine values, but the hyper-masculine political culture that has prevailed for centuries has labeled them as such to emasculate men less inclined towards war-mongering and oligarchical American values. More on this over at The Phoenix.
3. The incredible poorly-chosen and racially-fueled remarks she made Wednesday, in which she essentially equated "working, hard-working Americans" to "white Americans." No really... she did! A great response/analysis to these remarks can be found over at Salon. For me, this comment is absolutely the last straw.
Clinton is arrogant, belligerent, and her obstinent refusal to drop out of the campaign is killing her party's chances of winning the general election. Two weeks ago, I still contended that I was open-minded in this campaign, and therefore would vote for whoever got the Democratic nomination, but since then, I've changed my mind. It seems inevitable at this point that Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee, and I'm thrilled.
I'm sorry, Hillary Clinton, but we are no longer friends.
feeble little horse - "This is Real"
10 hours ago
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